31.   The convoy was heading for Kunduz and the food is destined for villages where there is a risk of famine after years of drought and war.

n. + head >>共 1026
team 2.70%
plane 2.02%
people 1.39%
bus 1.33%
man 1.30%
economy 1.30%
delegation 1.27%
woman 1.24%
group 1.13%
leader 1.13%
convoy 0.92%
convoy + v. >>共 179
be 10.81%
reach 7.75%
pass 5.68%
leave 4.77%
come 4.68%
arrive 3.87%
include 2.88%
head 2.79%
travel 2.61%
have 2.43%
每页显示:    共 31