31.   Polling stations opened throughout conflict-ridden Algeria on Thursday for a controversial referendum banning parties based on religion or language and boosting presidential powers.

32.   The accusations came in the wake of demonstrations against Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, who recently boosted his already vast powers in a controversial referendum on constitutional changes.

33.   The Belarus parliament moved to ease tension between legislature and president Thursday by partially adopting a controversial referendum proposed by President Alexander Lukashenko.

34.   The European Parliament condemned Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko as authoritarian and autocratic on Thursday, and warned it could cut aid to Minsk following a controversial referendum.

a. + referendum >>共 239
national 21.54%
constitutional 5.29%
public 5.22%
nationwide 3.99%
statewide 3.34%
popular 3.12%
controversial 2.47%
new 2.39%
proposed 2.10%
second 1.81%
controversial + n. >>共 1349
issue 5.38%
decision 3.03%
plan 2.27%
figure 2.14%
law 2.13%
proposal 1.55%
bill 1.24%
provision 1.22%
measure 1.13%
call 1.10%
referendum 0.55%
每页显示:    共 34