31.   Monetarist ideas had considerable influence among economics ministers.

32.   Although most Russian oil is now privately produced, the Kremlin retains considerable influence over output and export levels.

33.   Among those potentially receptive is Robert Rector, an analyst at the Heritage Foundation whose views carry considerable influence among conservative grass-roots groups.

34.   Although the octogenarian Green was a man of considerable influence himself, Johnson towers over him, both literally and figuratively.

35.   Among participants, a frequent theme is that government officials need to know that religious leaders still carry considerable influence and thus could help in large-scale good works.

36.   And conservative Utah has considerable influence with Bush, who has promised to veto any legislation that allows temporary storage.

37.   As chairman of the utility commission, Yzaguirre had considerable influence over policies involving electricity deregulation.

38.   As a result, nonexecutives could wield considerable influence.

39.   As chairman of the Finance Committee, Roth has considerable influence over Medicare, Social Security, foreign trade and tax policy.

40.   As a constitutional monarch, her formal power was limited, but she nonetheless exercised considerable political influence.

a. + influence >>共 850
political 7.63%
considerable 4.10%
strong 3.71%
growing 2.54%
great 2.45%
major 2.29%
enormous 1.85%
greater 1.79%
western 1.79%
undue 1.65%
considerable + n. >>共 1119
influence 3.26%
time 3.25%
amount 2.63%
damage 2.43%
power 2.34%
support 1.78%
attention 1.68%
pressure 1.64%
debate 1.38%
interest 1.33%
每页显示:    共 230