31.   The analysts are also surprised that he ordered a crackdown after granting considerable autonomy earlier to the independence-minded Muslim Chechens.

32.   The arrangement would recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan while permitting considerable local autonomy.

33.   The new co-op model, set out in a law passed this year, lets members maintain considerable autonomy.

34.   They have rejected a peace plan designed to reintegrate their territories under the Zagreb government but with considerable autonomy.

35.   Tribal areas along the Afghan border enjoy considerable autonomy and foreigners are not allowed to enter without special permission.

36.   Before the military intervention, the republic of Tatarstan, which enjoys considerable autonomy within the Russian Federation, was being mooted as a possible model for Chechnya.

37.   Mostar would be formally reunited and organized into six districts enjoying considerable administrative autonomy.

38.   The Nevis government, which enjoys considerable autonomy, has threatened to secede to protest the opening of a federal office which it said would undermine its authority.

39.   The new constitution turns the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros into the Union of the Comoros, granting each island considerable autonomy.

a. + autonomy >>共 242
palestinian 23.92%
greater 16.29%
expanding 4.44%
limited 4.31%
broad 4.19%
regional 2.74%
political 2.53%
local 2.32%
increased 1.91%
considerable 1.62%
considerable + n. >>共 1119
influence 3.26%
time 3.25%
amount 2.63%
damage 2.43%
power 2.34%
support 1.78%
attention 1.68%
pressure 1.64%
debate 1.38%
interest 1.33%
autonomy 0.55%
每页显示:    共 39