31.   Irradiation has been tested extensively on food and is generally considered safe even at the high levels needed to kill anthrax bacteria.

32.   Is this area considered safe?

33.   Many stands have telephone numbers where the taxis can be called, and major hotels have fleets of cabs, which are also considered safe.

34.   Moorlach said he bought Edison debt securities precisely because he considered it safe.

35.   Most of those managers have seats that are considered safe.

36.   Moderate doses of caffeine, up to three cups of coffee a day, are generally considered safe for most people.

37.   Newhart, sitting in his hotel room before his tribute, said that comedy was an evolving form and that what was once dangerous was now considered safe.

38.   Not all of them are considered safe.

39.   Occasionally, a patient will get a droopy eyelid for a couple of weeks, but the treatment is considered safe and without adverse side effects.

40.   One of the regulations bars entry to asylum-seekers who travel through other countries that are considered safe for refugees before arriving in Germany.

v. + safe >>共 27
keep 21.97%
make 21.67%
consider 19.73%
declare 7.62%
deem 5.83%
call 5.08%
report 3.29%
find 3.14%
prove 1.94%
think 1.94%
consider + a. >>共 1819
unlikely 2.67%
likely 2.56%
crucial 2.26%
important 2.22%
dangerous 2.12%
essential 1.86%
lucky 1.75%
safe 1.62%
serious 1.34%
close 1.21%
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