31.   But, as newspapers have begun reducing demand by instituting sharp conservation measures, some newspaper executives have begun to predict that newsprint prices will level off.

32.   But, Anderson maintained, money done to nurture salmon in streams will be wasted drain unless conservation measures are taken at sea.

33.   Canada says the dwindling stocks must be protected by toughly enforced international conservation measures beyond territorial waters.

34.   Canada says the dwindling stocks must be protected by joint conservation measures beyond territorial waters.

35.   Canada will undertake additional conservation measures next year.

36.   Clinton noted the nation instituted soil conservation measures that helped prevent future Dust Bowls and created a cadre of local agricultural extension experts to work with farmers.

37.   Consequently, water districts throughout the state continue to apply stringent conservation measures.

38.   Conservation measures give us time to develop alternative energy sources like wind, solar, geothermal, ultracapacitors and fuel-cell technology.

39.   Conservation measures may be extended to lower Vancouver Island in September and October to further ensure the return of spawning salmon.

40.   Coastal shark populations have declined so drastically in recent years that recreational fishermen are practicing strict shark conservation measures unheard of only a few decades ago.

n. + measure >>共 887
security 25.25%
austerity 6.96%
safety 5.48%
government 3.14%
ballot 2.99%
reform 2.52%
stimulus 1.96%
conservation 1.87%
tax 1.80%
market 1.64%
conservation + n. >>共 270
group 14.58%
measure 8.20%
effort 8.02%
program 7.20%
area 5.04%
plan 2.93%
easement 2.69%
project 2.52%
organization 2.34%
work 1.87%
每页显示:    共 139