31.   Ashcroft refused to meet with Hormel and did not attend his confirmation hearing, despite bipartisan support that included Reagan administration Secretary of State George Shultz.

32.   At her confirmation hearings she has difficulty being taken seriously, despite her obvious qualifications for the job.

33.   At his confirmation hearing earlier this year before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Stack appeared unfamiliar with a landmark affirmative-action case.

34.   At his confirmation hearing last week, Daley promised to rid the Commerce Department of undue political influence.

35.   At his Senate confirmation hearings to be Bush defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld talked about the lessons of Vietnam.

36.   At her confirmation hearing, Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said she was very well qualified.

37.   At his confirmation hearing earlier this year before the Senate Judiciary committee, he seemed unfamiliar with a recent Supreme Court landmark ruling on affirmative action.

38.   At his confirmation hearing, Bush conceded he harbored vice presidential ambitions and would not refuse the job if offered but promised not to campaign for it.

39.   At his confirmation hearings, Daley pledged to take forceful action to rid the department of undue political influence.

40.   Barring some unforeseen gaffe or earth-shaking revelation, Supreme Court nominee Stephen Breyer should sail through Senate confirmation hearings that begin Tuesday.

n. + hearing >>共 377
court 18.81%
confirmation 8.74%
bail 4.95%
extradition 4.34%
arbitration 4.17%
impeachment 3.88%
appeal 2.94%
bond 2.65%
committee 2.50%
detention 2.38%
confirmation + n. >>共 60
hearing 49.52%
process 14.58%
vote 10.45%
battle 4.54%
number 3.44%
fight 2.75%
debate 1.10%
proceeding 1.10%
ceremony 0.96%
class 0.96%
每页显示:    共 358