31.   AOL Time Warner, another possible partner, also has said it is not currently conducting talks with the company.

32.   Arafat had requested the presidential session as part of what he termed a consultation process that he is conducting with world leaders.

33.   As onstage, where he conducts with broad, sweeping strokes, he exudes a communicativeness bordering on theatricality.

34.   As the yen area solidifies and the yen becomes the common Pacific currency, Americans will need to sell dollars for yen to conduct business with any Asian nation.

35.   Attorney Seth Miller said he has little beyond his cellphone with which to conduct business.

36.   Based on interviews he conducted with refugees from Banja Luka during an earlier mission, Shattuck put the number between several hundred and a thousand.

37.   Bernard Haitink conducted with his customary muscle and enthusiasm.

38.   Both men conducted themselves with the civility they had learned at West Point.

39.   A control test was simultaneously conducted with eggs hatched on unoiled gravel.

40.   A drunken debate between Mick and Mairtin on choking to death on urine as opposed to vomit is conducted with scientific seriousness.

v. + with >>共 1051
work 7.83%
come 4.23%
begin 2.27%
cover 1.84%
stay 1.56%
struggle 1.44%
sign 1.35%
combine 1.34%
follow 1.19%
move 0.94%
conduct 0.15%
conduct + p. >>共 61
with 23.91%
for 15.35%
in 14.69%
on 5.68%
during 5.68%
before 4.94%
without 3.91%
as 3.32%
after 3.25%
at 3.25%
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