31.   But today, a mere computer will not do.

32.   But there are still hot, humid, telephone-impaired places such as Cambodia where even the sturdiest portable computer does little good.

33.   Computers cannot do as good a job with radio as radios can, and a television set is still better at showing video.

34.   Computers could do only so much of the work.

35.   Computers do even more.

36.   Computers do a lot more useful work these days.

37.   Computers do the work, you just drive.

38.   Computers do wonderful things.

39.   Computers can do many things, and being an always ready partner for bridge, gin or poker is one of them.

40.   Computers can do them better or faster.

n. + do >>共 1367
government 2.91%
company 2.87%
people 2.75%
team 1.85%
man 1.20%
player 1.16%
woman 0.91%
official 0.72%
child 0.67%
state 0.65%
computer 0.35%
computer + v. >>共 789
be 20.81%
have 4.31%
do 2.63%
make 2.19%
use 2.08%
become 1.90%
come 1.63%
work 1.63%
go 1.45%
run 1.41%
每页显示:    共 128