31.   They diagnose all kinds of complaints and refer patients with complicated problems to specialists or admit them to the hospital.

32.   Two centuries later, the federal government faces a more complicated problem.

33.   But Gates said that would be a mistake, inspired by those looking for a simple solution to a complicated problem.

34.   But his proposal also opens the former New Jersey senator to criticism that he is pushing liberal, big-government solutions to a complicated problem.

35.   But it was a complicated problem.

36.   The fact that abortions occur, despite strong condemnations by religious authorities and the society at large, indicates that this is a very complicated problem.

37.   The student demonstrations that have exploded in Iran say simple things and pose complicated problems.

38.   Delors voiced concern over a tendency to ignore EU rules agreed by all and solve complicated problems unilaterally.

a. + problem >>共 705
serious 4.46%
economic 3.74%
major 3.48%
financial 2.66%
biggest 2.34%
technical 1.95%
only 1.92%
big 1.91%
potential 1.91%
real 1.87%
complicated 0.10%
complicated + n. >>共 802
issue 3.91%
system 2.11%
process 2.11%
case 2.07%
matter 1.88%
formula 1.84%
procedure 1.84%
relationship 1.53%
problem 1.46%
thing 1.42%
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