31.   Elers said the combined company will be less vulnerable to such problems, because its supply will be more diversified.

32.   Equally there are commercial companies that produce, distribute, and Market their product on a global basis.

33.   Essentially the company is a project management operation.

34.   Finally the company is promising transaction processing software at a future, unspecified date.

35.   Following years of heavy losses, the company is only a shadow of its former self.

36.   For one thing, cable companies are ahead on certain technologies, such as digital compression.

37.   Foreign companies were to be encouraged to invest.

38.   He wanted to be considered for Junior management positions but his company was not sure of his ability to make this step.

39.   His company was not afraid to diversify.

40.   His large manufacturing company was in the throes of hard times.

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company + v. >>共 706
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