31.   Giner adds that this phenomenon, common to the Southern European states, continues to be felt to the present day.

32.   To be set against the longitudinal study is the greater cost although, of course, the basic need to define population and sample is common to both.

33.   For instance erm we reduced, and this was common to all groups, we reduced the amount provided for in-service training for teachers.

34.   The traditional red stripe, common to all ambulance fleets, is to be replaced by a striking green and yellow design.

35.   Although bats were common to the area, his family did not recall his ever having been exposed to one.

36.   Although Dalmatians are relatively healthy, a congenital hearing problem and bladder stones are common to the breed, says Wissinger.

37.   And he highlighted the commitment to freedom of expression common to the United States and Greece.

38.   And even though launches are as common to them as yawns in science class, they realized the significance of this launch.

39.   And it was only in autopsies that the authorities discovered evidence of a strain of rabies common to bats.

40.   And on international flights, they use the profiling technique, which identifies behavioral and other clues common to potential terrorists.

a. + to >>共 706
open 6.79%
up 5.87%
guilty 4.74%
loyal 4.12%
important 3.80%
prior 2.70%
able 2.07%
next 1.97%
likely 1.65%
difficult 1.33%
common 0.46%
common + p. >>共 46
in 49.44%
among 9.08%
to 8.65%
as 6.19%
for 4.03%
on 3.23%
than 3.20%
at 2.80%
throughout 2.30%
during 1.66%
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