31.   The two firms will be combined to form Charles Schwab Canada.

32.   The water runs into the Apurimac River, one of five Andean streams that combine to form the Amazon.

33.   These two revenue streams would be combined to form a pool that would fund clubs that need the money.

34.   Two curves and a square of fabric are combined to form a shawl.

35.   Under his direction these laboratories were combined to form NASA.

36.   As the thermometer dipped below a trillion degrees, quarks and gluons combined to form protons and neutrons.

37.   But aided by the Hubble images, he said, astronomers now realize the explosion of energy is the normal result of gas and dust combining to form stars.

38.   Police say thousands of people could have been killed Tuesday night had the chemicals in the homemade devices combined to form highly poisonous cyanide gas.

39.   The alien ships have a very organic look though and some ships can even combine to form a bigger ship.

40.   The platoons will be combined to form a NATO-Partnership for Peace battalion.

v. + form >>共 191
combine 9.53%
return 7.91%
merge 6.90%
use 3.65%
join 3.25%
accord 3.04%
work 2.64%
discuss 2.43%
add 2.03%
condense 1.83%
combine + v. >>共 292
make 11.14%
create 7.78%
form 5.63%
produce 5.63%
win 3.59%
give 3.35%
push 2.75%
keep 1.80%
cause 1.20%
drive 1.08%
每页显示:    共 47