31.   The government wants to combine companies to create big, internationally competitive concerns.

32.   The four companies will be combined into a single company known as Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd.

33.   The lawsuit contends that while the railroad was touting the benefits of the merger, top Union Pacific officials knew that combining the companies would be costly.

34.   The merger combines two companies that have been at the forefront of developing the Russian securities market.

35.   The pair only began chatting about combining their companies a little more than a month ago.

36.   The original plan in April would have combined both companies into subsidiaries of a new holding company.

37.   The original merger agreement in April called for combining both companies into subsidiaries of a new holding company.

38.   The pharmaceutical merger that will create the giant AstraZeneca combines companies in two non-euro nations, Sweden and Britain.

39.   The three companies will be combined into a new holding company, Pompilio said.

40.   The transaction would also combine two companies with very different cultures and chief executives.

v. + company >>共 734
say 2.87%
leave 2.80%
run 2.31%
buy 2.20%
sell 1.80%
sue 1.67%
accuse 1.46%
have 1.45%
base 1.45%
include 1.36%
combine 0.22%
combine + n. >>共 1230
ingredient 11.03%
operation 2.58%
element 2.23%
two 1.97%
force 1.71%
company 1.33%
business 0.96%
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datum 0.72%
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