31.   Critics say the tribal courts are interfering in the adoption of children and cite several cases where tribes are trying to reclaim Indian children, sometimes years after adoption.

32.   David Rocah, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union in Newark, N.J., cited similar cases in Delaware, Florida, Pennsylvania and Illinois.

33.   Coyle and his opponent, a guy named Lawrence Weinstein, each cited voluminous cases to support their arguments.

34.   Democratic gubernatoral candidate Tony Sanchez has cited the cases in his own political attacks.

35.   During hours of emotional debate Tuesday, senators favoring gun control cited cases in which children have used a gun and accidentally killed themselves or someone else.

36.   Environmentalists are among the fiercest critics, citing cases in which the WTO has struck down some environmental protections.

37.   Gottwals cites the case of Giant Food as an example of how farmers can take advantage of local markets.

38.   Gingrich and others in Congress are citing such cases in their push to overhaul the Food and Drug Administration and ease regulations for new drugs and medical devices.

39.   He cited a case in which a noticeably disabled public school teacher was fired because administrators believed students would be repulsed at the sight.

40.   He cited many cases he has argued in court of women fleeing their batterers, and the batterers retaliating by burning the house down.

v. + case >>共 478
hear 5.28%
take 4.77%
make 4.50%
investigate 3.49%
handle 3.13%
discuss 2.95%
settle 2.31%
dismiss 2.30%
review 2.17%
report 2.11%
cite 1.06%
cite + n. >>共 847
source 7.09%
concern 5.33%
reason 4.59%
example 2.52%
lack 2.37%
case 2.27%
report 2.20%
problem 1.67%
official 1.45%
need 1.44%
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