31.   Crimes punishable by death include murder, drug trafficking, child rape and treason.

32.   Health officials have linked rising child rape to the AIDS epidemic, with offenders facing less risk of contracting the HIV virus that causes AIDS.

33.   Idella Everett pleaded guilty to child rape and agreed to testify against her husband, Harold, who later pleaded guilty as well.

34.   Letourneau is serving a prison sentence for child rape and is expected to testify by satellite.

35.   Letourneau is serving a seven-year, five-month prison term for second-degree child rape because of her relationship with Fualaau.

36.   Meanwhile, a court justice decided on Thursday that the Boston archdiocese must release personnel records on a priest who supervised a church youth worker convicted of child rape.

37.   Shanley was charged with three counts of child rape.

38.   Shanley is charged with three counts of child rape.

39.   The alleged gang rape of a nine-month-old girl has outraged South Africans and focused attention on the high number of child rapes in the country.

40.   The case has struck a chord in a country beset by crime, including child rapes.

n. + rape >>共 48
child 31.14%
oilseed 13.77%
acquaintance 5.39%
broccoli 5.39%
third-degree 5.39%
prison 4.79%
baby 2.40%
wartime 2.40%
campus 1.80%
inmate 1.20%
child + n. >>共 903
care 12.25%
abuse 10.58%
pornography 5.69%
support 5.22%
molester 2.01%
prostitution 1.84%
soldier 1.66%
labour 1.55%
case 1.45%
seat 1.41%
rape 0.63%
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