31.   He championed the cause of ethics reform and lobbyist reform.

32.   He said he did not consider Kassebaum a great senator because she never championed a cause or influenced a wide range of policy.

33.   He has championed the cause of breast cancer victims, repeatedly threatening to hold up legislation on the Senate floor to get what he wants.

34.   He intensely championed the cause of veterans, lobbying heavily for Memorial Hall and donating pieces from his extensive collection of war memorabilia for display.

35.   Her election gives her, for the first time, a legislative arena in which to champion her causes.

36.   His Republican opponents on the campaign trail are also championing the cause of a smaller federal government.

37.   His congregation stood behind him, and within a year, Masters was back championing civil rights causes.

38.   In this obsessively confessional age, plenty of celebrities have championed causes like AIDS and discussed their infidelities, low self-esteem and struggles with diseases like bulimia.

39.   It took time, but eventually the American Jewish establishment and the US Congress championed the causes originally pursued only by JDL militants.

40.   It was there that Trimble championed the cause of members of the Orange Order to be allowed to march through a Catholic area on their way home from church.

v. + cause >>共 372
determine 14.62%
investigate 12.15%
have 6.45%
give 5.79%
help 3.99%
find 3.92%
support 3.90%
champion 2.79%
know 2.53%
advance 1.80%
champion + n. >>共 293
cause 18.36%
right 5.79%
reform 2.26%
idea 2.12%
issue 1.98%
music 1.69%
legislation 1.55%
bill 1.41%
work 1.27%
project 1.27%
每页显示:    共 129