31.   The state of Pat LaFontaine is not a hockey question, not a matter of whether the little center can help the Rangers reach the playoffs.

32.   The worst cases go first, generally, because turning them into profit centers helps perpetuate the government mandate for Old Havana to be a self-sustaining enterprise.

33.   The Volpe center has also helped the armed forces keep constant tabs on ships or trains as they make sensitive journeys.

34.   They must also enroll in a job training program in their area of interests and the center helps to arrange fee waivers.

35.   Travel medicine centers can help people traveling to high-altitude destinations, even within the United States.

36.   Training centers have helped build powerhouses in Germany, Romania and the former Soviet Union.

37.   University of Connecticut officials said they hoped the Pfizer center would help the school win other research grants and place students in jobs at companies like Pfizer.

38.   Aga Khan and Perry said they believe the center will help visitors concentrate on common bonds instead of age-old differences.

39.   Fuad, who has been tipped as the next finance minister, also said that the center can help appoint accountants and appraisal companies for the merger process.

40.   He expressed hope that the center will help to establish closer relations between the two nations.

n. + help >>共 1529
government 1.38%
program 1.12%
money 1.11%
rate 1.05%
dollar 0.99%
move 0.96%
company 0.83%
group 0.62%
system 0.62%
technology 0.59%
center 0.20%
center + v. >>共 729
be 21.35%
say 8.13%
have 5.90%
offer 1.94%
provide 1.90%
open 1.85%
help 1.13%
report 1.10%
become 0.95%
include 0.91%
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