31.   Karol and his father seemed intensely devoted to one another, to their Catholic faith, and to Poland, Kluger recalls.

32.   Lorraine reconnected with her Catholic faith, and Jef converted.

33.   Many have mixed their deep Catholic faith with a search for modern meaning in the civilizations that arose in these lands before the Spanish conquest.

34.   Most problems between the church and the Cuban government today are in efforts to spread the Catholic faith, not in liturgical worship, he said.

35.   Old-fashioned Catholic faith is strong in the rugged farm country of Guanajuato, and many men and women still abide by strict roles defined by gender.

36.   Sister Mary Loyola and her colleagues said they were devoted to their Catholic faith.

37.   The Archdiocese of Boston has undertaken an ambitious program to train its educators on how to avoid any anti-Semitic bias in teaching about the Catholic faith.

38.   The church, in its zeal to revive the Catholic faith in Cuba, has helped them along.

39.   The couple share dwarfism, age, a Polish background and Catholic faith.

40.   The difference is that Claudel built his vast edifice on a bedrock of Catholic faith.

a. + faith >>共 411
religious 11.58%
bad 10.28%
christian 7.04%
islamic 3.33%
muslim 3.01%
different 2.92%
catholic 2.69%
blind 2.64%
great 2.50%
strong 2.27%
catholic + n. >>共 718
school 7.78%
priest 6.70%
area 3.17%
neighborhood 2.85%
bishop 2.56%
leader 2.44%
church 2.32%
community 1.55%
country 1.51%
protester 1.45%
faith 1.12%
每页显示:    共 58