31.   Israeli officials say troops will re-enter Palestinian cities without hesitation if terror attacks resume, and on Monday soldiers carried out several arrest raids in Palestinian villages.

32.   It also said additional tests would be carried out on Wednesday.

33.   It said the executions were carried out on Friday.

34.   Kinkel was quoted by Bild as saying that if the United States carries through on the sanctions, European nations would have to decide on counteractive measures.

35.   Navy gunboats sank two boats carrying rebels on Thursday night at Vettilaikerni village in the northern Jaffna Peninsula, the officials said.

36.   Navy gunboats sank two boats carrying rebels on Thursday night off of Vettilaikerni village in the northern Jaffna Peninsula, the officials said.

37.   Raul Roco, a pro-life senator, noted that newspapers continued to carry stories on Friday of new rapes.

38.   Stewart carried on where he left off Saturday, striking the ball impressively and went to his century with a sharp single to mid-on.

39.   The death sentence was carried out on Monday in Xinxiang city, the Legal Daily reported.

40.   The latest arrest was carried out on Wednesday when three players of the Kelantan state team were picked up by police charged before a Magistrate court.

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