31.   Mrs. Phillips worked with a number of social and philanthropic organizations around the world as the wife of a career diplomat, Christopher H. Phillips.

32.   One ambassador to Sri Lanka during the Eisenhower administration was unable to name the prime minister of Sri Lanka during a congressional hearing, recalled a former career diplomat.

33.   Parris also is a career diplomat.

34.   Parris is a career diplomat, having served in the Azores and Lisbon.

35.   Randolph Appleton Kidder, a career diplomat in the US Foreign Service, died Thursday in Sibley Hospital in Washington, where he made his home.

36.   She punished two career diplomats who questioned her judgment on the Adams visa, a break with protocol for which she was reprimanded by the State Department.

37.   Thayer got a taste for international travel while his father, Harry E.T. Thayer, was a career diplomat.

38.   The nominees are career diplomats, and the State Department expects no opposition from Congress.

39.   The Senate is also close to approving the appointment of a career diplomat, Princeton Lyman, as assistant secretary of state for International Organization Affairs.

40.   The son of a career diplomat and the grandson of a titled government official, Crewe stumbled resolutely through his first six years.

n. + diplomat >>共 61
career 62.01%
trade 6.99%
say 2.13%
world 2.13%
embassy 1.82%
lower-level 1.82%
alliance 1.52%
week 1.22%
ministry 0.91%
occasion 0.91%
career + n. >>共 772
path 4.13%
diplomat 4.02%
victory 3.56%
start 3.50%
choice 2.72%
move 2.64%
title 2.32%
officer 2.11%
change 2.03%
opportunity 1.99%
每页显示:    共 203