31.   But hopes for an election that would finally bring a measure of democracy to this North African nation were dashed when the six other candidates withdrew on election eve.

32.   But Japanese Ambassador Nobotushi Akao insisted that the Thai candidate would not withdraw.

33.   In Lyon, a right so divided that its official candidate withdrew spelled victory for Socialist Gerard Collomb.

34.   Leading Islamist candidates withdrew to protest what they called an attempt to bar them from political life.

35.   Polls had shown that most Mordechai voters would cross over to Barak should their candidate withdraw.

36.   Results are not expected until Thursday, but five candidates withdrew Wednesday to protest the reports of fraud.

37.   Some candidates have withdrawn their candidacies and the enthusiasm of many voters has been dampened.

38.   Ten Islamist candidates abruptly withdrew from races Wednesday, saying their opponents were stuffing ballots, busing in supporters and barring election monitors from polling stations.

39.   There is speculation the other top candidates will withdraw and throw their support behind Maskhadov.

40.   Under pressure from the leadership, three Hamas candidates withdrew on Tuesday just after the campaign officially began.

n. + withdraw >>共 474
troop 14.93%
force 8.92%
government 5.76%
company 3.58%
army 3.44%
party 2.32%
rebel 2.32%
police 2.18%
investor 1.90%
soldier 1.76%
candidate 1.69%
candidate + v. >>共 605
be 18.03%
have 5.79%
win 3.04%
say 2.36%
run 2.08%
include 2.04%
make 1.42%
take 1.31%
get 1.10%
do 1.06%
withdraw 0.47%
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