31.   Not according to a pair of Danish researchers who have started a fierce debate suggesting that cancer screening could do more harm than good.

32.   October is breast cancer awareness month, and this column is not in any way meant to take away from the need for breast cancer screening and education.

33.   Prostate cancer screening also raises overdiagnosis questions, some researchers say.

34.   Recognizing the cost-effectiveness of colonoscopy and other colorectal cancer screening, Medicare began paying for it this year.

35.   Revising Medicare so that elderly people can get cancer screenings, such as mammograms and colorectal screenings, without having to pay deductibles or co-payments.

36.   Recommendations by the American Cancer Society for colon cancer screening vary.

37.   Rudy Giuliani, New York Newsday reports, has slashed funds for prostate cancer screening in his current New York City budget plan.

38.   Reporters were allowed into the session only between Gore and Armstrong, where the vice president called for time off for federal workers wanting cancer screening.

39.   She knew that most scientists dismissed lung cancer screening as useless.

40.   She is scheduled to go to the Beth Israel Medical Center Wednesday morning, where she will meet with women whose breast cancer screenings have been covered by Medicare.

n. + screening >>共 150
cancer 13.38%
security 5.74%
test 5.16%
film 4.97%
health 4.59%
preview 3.63%
drug 3.63%
advance 2.87%
breast 2.87%
airport 2.68%
cancer + n. >>共 364
patient 13.46%
cell 10.60%
treatment 8.74%
surgery 5.30%
drug 5.13%
research 5.09%
risk 4.01%
rate 3.19%
survivor 2.75%
death 2.27%
screening 1.46%
每页显示:    共 70