31.   Currently, only Dole and Gramm have full-time paid campaign staff in the state -- one person each.

32.   Despite some debate among his campaign staff, McGreevey ultimately decided not to wait for the results of the Republican race before speaking.

33.   Despite limited financing, no elected political experience and an unprofessional campaign staff, Farinello has risen meteorically in the polls.

34.   During the frequent quarrels between the campaign staff and the vice-presidential staff, Bush became a forceful advocate for Atwater.

35.   Even the campaign staff calls him Uncle Frank.

36.   Gore campaign staff were obviously relieved to get the endorsement, especially before the Democratic National Convention begins in Los Angeles on Monday.

37.   He reversed himself Tuesday when he said his campaign staff should not have returned the Log Cabin contribution.

38.   He insists Jesus is his favorite philosopher, as if the Christian Messiah were a member of his campaign staff.

39.   He said he will raise money, hire a campaign staff, produce position papers and operate a headquarters from the start.

40.   He said his campaign staff was putting more effort into getting out the vote.

n. + staff >>共 570
hospital 7.96%
embassy 6.34%
support 5.05%
security 4.86%
campaign 3.67%
hotel 3.02%
office 2.54%
prison 2.00%
committee 1.43%
airport 1.38%
campaign + n. >>共 537
reform 6.62%
trail 6.30%
contribution 5.55%
manager 2.75%
law 2.61%
finance 2.53%
issue 2.44%
official 2.25%
promise 1.97%
aide 1.85%
staff 0.82%
每页显示:    共 135