31.   About half the overseas absentee votes were from military personnel, and one presumes the Bush campaign has equal concerns about businessmen, students, and Peace Corps volunteers.

32.   Advisers to Bush said they were confident that his campaign has the resources and endorsements around the country to outlast McCain even if the senator triumphs on Tuesday.

33.   After the debate and again Wednesday, the Kennedy campaign had a more specific response.

34.   Afterwards his campaign may have to rely on an ad hoc effort fueled by his underdog appeal and the energies of his admirers.

35.   Ahern said the campaign had nothing to do with a recent bid by rival Bank of New York Co. to boost its stake in State Street.

36.   All presidential campaigns have policy advisers, but policy is less and less a part of presidential politics.

37.   Al Gore reassured the national Democratic leaders meeting with him that his campaign has a winning strategy.

38.   All the Lamm campaign should have to do, he said, is to pay for the cost of making a copy of the data.

39.   Both Al Gore and George W. Bush need to understand, though, that the vapid inward-looking campaigns they ran have implications for America abroad.

40.   Both campaigns have operatives to handle that grubby stuff.

n. + have >>共 1318
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campaign 0.17%
campaign + v. >>共 1078
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