31.   Safonov said that if De Beers stopped buying diamonds under the existing arrangements, trade would continue under different terms until the new agreement was signed.

v. + diamond >>共 151
buy 8.83%
sell 8.55%
find 4.27%
have 3.13%
mine 2.56%
smuggle 2.56%
include 2.28%
use 1.99%
take 1.71%
steal 1.71%
buy + n. >>共 997
share 5.83%
stock 4.96%
ticket 3.22%
house 2.59%
dollar 2.54%
bond 1.95%
car 1.74%
company 1.61%
time 1.54%
product 1.44%
diamond 0.11%
每页显示:    共 31