31.   In other words, they must have a burning desire to attend the school and play football.

32.   In other words, they have to have a burning desire to attend the school and play football.

33.   Indeed, when Forbes was asked whether he really has a burning desire to be president, he used the opportunity to take another punch at his rivals.

34.   Is there a burning desire deep within you to bait a worm?

35.   Maybe this apology binge is to be expected of a nation without much on its mind except a burning desire to not think about the future.

36.   Officially, Bonfire symbolizes our burning desire to beat the hell out of the University of Texas.

37.   Saw a guy who initially inspired low expectations, but with a burning desire to succeed.

38.   She says she had no burning desire to become an actress.

39.   The excitement of being a major league ballplayer has been substituted by a burning desire to win.

40.   The man told the boy he needed a burning desire to succeed.

a. + desire >>共 475
strong 6.34%
sexual 5.31%
burning 4.48%
same 2.07%
genuine 2.00%
intense 1.93%
human 1.72%
overwhelming 1.72%
great 1.59%
deep 1.38%
burning + n. >>共 568
building 7.77%
tire 6.91%
house 4.22%
car 3.24%
sensation 2.88%
desire 2.57%
issue 2.29%
coal 1.62%
wood 1.46%
oil 1.38%
每页显示:    共 65