31.   Nearby, sweaty workers shuttled burlap sacks bulging with coffee beans into a port warehouse, where they could sit indefinitely if the trade embargo is imposed.

32.   On Tuesday, police found four decapitated bodies stuffed in a burlap sack.

33.   Police said they found four decapitated bodies stuffed into a burlap sack early Tuesday.

34.   The dead warrior lay on the hospital grounds, his body partially covered by a burlap sack.

35.   The recovered parts were separated into burlap sacks.

36.   The three men sighted aboard the fast boat fled, leaving behind bales of cocaine swathed in brown burlap sacks, Petty Officer Tod Lyons said.

37.   Their bodies were stuffed in a burlap sack and dumped in a lane in central Karachi, he said.

38.   Workers in boots and carrying burlap sacks patrolled the riverbank picking up oil-covered driftwood and trash, one step in a cleanup that will take months.

39.   But the raids were largely unsuccessful as word spread and vendors simply moved their stock, often contained in large burlap sacks, under their counters.

40.   Trucks were seen delivering supplies of mortar bombs and tank shells, in addition to huge piles of burlap sacks for making sand-bag bunkers.

n. + sack >>共 77
burlap 12.62%
paper 10.09%
season 8.20%
quarterback 6.62%
flour 5.36%
cloth 3.79%
career 3.47%
potato 3.47%
mail 2.84%
garbage 2.84%
burlap + n. >>共 20
sack 44.94%
bag 28.09%
tent 5.62%
covering 2.25%
jacket 2.25%
cadaver 1.12%
canvas 1.12%
costume 1.12%
fiber 1.12%
filter 1.12%
每页显示:    共 40