31.   Phoenix is embroiled in a dispute with Tempe and the Tourism and Sports Authority over the Arizona Cardinals stadium to be built near Priest Drive and Washington Street.

32.   Screens have been built near turbine intakes to divert fish into bypass channels.

33.   Scientists say the tensions slowly building near such zones every so often will produce quakes near heavily populated areas.

34.   So we built near Hong Kong so we can take advantage of its ports, its banks.

35.   Soon they will be able to order sandwiches at a deli that is being built near the front door.

36.   Stop building near the ocean.

37.   That is why Boeing produces tail sections for many of its planes in China, and why McDonnell Douglas has built a vast aircraft factory near Shanghai.

38.   The company built near universities.

39.   The facility is expected to be built near the old Stone Mountain Airport, east of the mountain.

40.   The fiber network will connect to a new operations center Qwest is building near East Riverside Drive and East Ben White Boulevard in Austin.

v. + near >>共 584
live 8.69%
find 4.65%
occur 4.51%
stand 3.53%
explode 3.27%
sit 2.09%
crash 2.06%
get 1.63%
park 1.62%
kill 1.47%
build 0.92%
build + p. >>共 98
in 32.04%
around 9.65%
with 9.22%
at 6.14%
from 4.28%
to 3.99%
of 3.79%
over 3.67%
as 2.63%
without 2.48%
near 1.40%
每页显示:    共 104