31.   The government would achieve its deficit-reduction goals even though their budget projections were based on highly optimistic growth projections that inflated revenue predictions, he said.

32.   The museum industry is littered with examples of expansions or start-ups that missed budget projections and even suffered equipment breakdowns, as Science City has.

33.   The trigger would prevent tax cuts from taking effect in future years if budget surplus projections do not materialize.

34.   The White House will release its updated budget projections on Wednesday.

35.   There are circumstances under which the budget projections could prove unduly pessimistic.

36.   These are a potential recipe for trouble down the road, especially if the new budget projections do not pan out.

37.   They both brushed aside questions about the possible impact of lowered federal budget surplus projections on the future of Social Security.

38.   Walker warned that the nation should not be lulled into a false sense of economic security because of rosy federal budget surplus projections.

39.   When lawmakers return from the recess, they are expected to receive a revised budget projection that shows a shrinking federal reserve.

40.   You bullied the Congressional Budget Office into delaying its own budget projection until next week, so that you could get your numbers out first.

n. + projection >>共 155
earnings 10.80%
revenue 10.47%
budget 8.67%
growth 6.55%
profit 5.07%
computer 3.60%
television 3.44%
population 3.11%
government 2.78%
deficit 2.13%
budget + n. >>共 402
deficit 14.93%
cut 7.99%
surplus 6.49%
plan 3.36%
bill 3.18%
agreement 2.66%
talk 2.58%
negotiation 2.55%
proposal 2.40%
amendment 2.03%
projection 0.39%
每页显示:    共 53