31.   All I did was brush my hair!

32.   This is where she does, starts brushing her hair!

33.   Did you brush your hair?

34.   As she brushes his hair, a grin spreads across his face, and he lets out a deep-throated, manly laugh.

35.   Emerging from one of the tanning beds, her face and palms sweaty, she brushed her hair back from her face, which glowed a very light bronze.

36.   He asks for cereal in a cup and wants his mother to brush his hair.

37.   He can now brush his hair, and get his toothbrush from the top of the medicine cabinet.

38.   He is disheveled, looking like he prepared for the day while riding inside a cement mixer and brushed his hair with a trowel.

39.   He did it because he had figured out how many minutes he would save by not having to comb or brush his hair every morning.

40.   He learned to spit and she learned to brush and brush and brush her hair and spend hours tucking in her shirt.

v. + hair >>共 472
have 10.16%
cut 5.30%
wear 4.68%
comb 3.69%
pull 3.59%
do 3.28%
wash 2.66%
dye 2.38%
lose 2.04%
brush 2.01%
brush + n. >>共 302
tooth 20.12%
hair 6.51%
top 5.11%
side 3.50%
tear 2.00%
surface 2.00%
hand 1.90%
wall 1.80%
mixture 1.40%
edge 1.30%
每页显示:    共 65