31.   Georgia has proposed giving Abkhazia broad autonomy, but the separatists want full independence.

32.   Greece would favor a broad autonomy for Kosovo within its present borders, Greek President Costis Stephanopoulos said Wednesday after arriving in Hungary.

33.   Georgia has offered Abkhazia broad autonomy on condition it remains part of Georgia, but the separatists have demanded full independence.

34.   Georgia has offered Abkhazia broad autonomy on condition that it remains part of Georgia, but the separatists have demanded full independence.

35.   Georgia has proposed giving Abkhazia broad autonomy, but the separatists want full independence and peace talks have stalled.

36.   Georgia since has offered Abkhazia broad autonomy on condition it remain part of Georgia, but the separatists have demanded full independence.

37.   He added the solution for Kosovo will be a broad autonomy for the province within Serbia and Yugoslavia, the independent Fonet news agency reported.

38.   Hoping to resolve the issue, the OAU mediated an accord between the islands offering each broad autonomy under a national umbrella.

39.   In communist-era Yugoslavia, Kosovo was part of Serbia but with broad autonomy which gave the ethnic Albanians full control.

40.   In parliament it will require a two-thirds majority approval to alter the constitution allowing Bougainville broad autonomy and the possibility of independence at a later date.

a. + autonomy >>共 242
palestinian 23.92%
greater 16.29%
expanding 4.44%
limited 4.31%
broad 4.19%
regional 2.74%
political 2.53%
local 2.32%
increased 1.91%
considerable 1.62%
broad + n. >>共 1189
range 6.21%
support 5.71%
market 3.94%
daylight 2.58%
power 2.54%
outline 2.27%
agreement 1.94%
smile 1.67%
spectrum 1.54%
coalition 1.49%
autonomy 1.20%
每页显示:    共 100