31.   We have only to look southward to Argentina, where generations of exploitation by the privileged few have brought the nation to collapse.

32.   When our nation was brought to its knees, first through a devastating depression and then through a terrible war, he lifted our nation.

33.   Why bring the nations of Eastern Europe into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?

34.   Without her, the increase in antidepressant drug use would bring this nation to its knees.

35.   After orchestrating German reunification seven years ago, Kohl has said his main goal is to bring European nations closer together.

36.   American swimmers won three races and broke two records Monday, bringing their nation even with Japan in the overall World University Games gold medal race.

37.   As such, it gets full official status at the mini-Olympics that bring together nations from three continents around the Mediterranean.

38.   Bonn fears instability and more refugees if the former Soviet bloc nations are not brought in.

39.   Despite Russian objections, NATO started work Wednesday on a blueprint to outline how former East bloc nations can be brought into the Western alliance.

40.   Dr. Ali Bacher, who chaired the ICC development committee a year ago, is charged with trying to bring more nations up to one-day international status.

v. + nation >>共 784
lead 8.59%
address 5.18%
divide 1.92%
develop 1.90%
shock 1.88%
industrialize 1.45%
bring 1.36%
represent 1.15%
sweep 1.15%
help 1.15%
bring + n. >>共 1355
charge 3.21%
peace 2.08%
case 1.40%
people 1.25%
change 1.05%
end 1.00%
child 0.85%
suit 0.71%
rain 0.70%
food 0.67%
nation 0.18%
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