31.   Once breeding season is over, the killer bull leaves the island, probably for warmer winter quarters.

32.   Owners Trudy McCaffery and John Toffan said you can expect that to rise before the next breeding season.

33.   Scientists will be watching to see if they start recovering during their breeding season, when they start their northern migration.

34.   Since the breeding season will be in progress, the rams should be providing plenty of noise when they start banging heads.

35.   The consequence, entomologists and exterminators say, has been an extended breeding season and heavy swarming.

36.   The large-bodied deer had the thick, swollen neck that bucks develop during the rut, or breeding season.

37.   The massive stone formations and rugged outcroppings of moss-covered ledgerock provided ideal denning sites for coyotes, whose own breeding season was just coming to a close.

38.   The main breeding season for the mosquito is June to November.

39.   The researchers removed the five highest-ranking males for six weeks during the breeding season.

40.   The rut, or breeding season, was under way, and amorous bucks were either searching for does or pestering them.

a. + season >>共 381
last 29.08%
next 11.75%
regular 7.46%
past 3.54%
first 2.67%
second 1.92%
rainy 1.29%
entire 1.21%
new 1.18%
full 1.08%
breeding 0.15%
breeding + n. >>共 226
program 10.13%
season 7.13%
stock 5.29%
area 3.45%
pair 2.99%
farm 2.88%
technique 2.42%
colony 2.30%
programme 2.19%
population 1.73%
每页显示:    共 62