31.   Russia has been bombing the area for several days, and there have also been ground clashes.

32.   Ramirez said he has heard the drone of airplanes and thud of explosions every night since the government began bombing the area.

33.   Russian fighter jets and helicopter gunships bombed areas held by the Chechens and frequent explosions shook the shattered city center.

34.   Russian fighter jets bombed areas held by the Chechens and frequent explosions shook the shattered city center.

35.   Sixteen of the civilians were killed when warplanes bombed areas surrounding Inuvil village in Jaffna Peninsula on Wednesday, the rebels said in a radio report.

36.   Security forces repeatedly shelled and bombed the area allegedly used by the GIA group between Bourmedes and Tizi-Ouzou east of Algiers, the capital.

37.   The attack comes a day after international aid workers accused the Sudanese government of bombing an area in the Bahr el-Ghazal state which borders Adok.

38.   The anti-Taliban alliance accused the religious militia of negotiating peace while heavily bombing the area they control.

39.   The foreign activists decided to go into various Palestinian refugee camps, hoping their presence would deter the Israelis from bombing the areas.

40.   The PUK claimed Turkish jets bombed areas near the towns of Shaqlawa and Khalifa Thursday, for the fourth consecutive day, causing civilian casualties.

v. + area >>共 728
leave 4.17%
search 2.80%
cover 2.79%
visit 2.64%
patrol 2.46%
enter 2.42%
flee 2.30%
reach 1.79%
hit 1.70%
clear 1.55%
bomb 0.50%
bomb + n. >>共 310
campaign 14.74%
target 6.59%
position 5.91%
raid 4.30%
village 3.96%
attack 3.90%
area 3.67%
building 1.83%
city 1.83%
airport 1.66%
每页显示:    共 64