31.   According to two small studies, subjects who consumed varying amounts of CLA noted a reduction in body fat and an increase in lean tissue.

32.   After two years, the volunteers in the two groups had made comparable improvements in activity, cardiorespiratory fitness, blood pressure, and percentage of body fat.

33.   Also, the authors say, contraceptives can be absorbed in body fat, leading to decreased effectiveness for pregnancy prevention.

34.   But a commitment to weight lifting has trimmed his body fat and made him stronger.

35.   But even after menopause, exercise is likely to be helpful because it reduces body fat, where estrogens are formed from other steroids.

36.   But it could help severely overweight people become more active, eat less and lose body fat.

37.   But over the long term our body fat remains stable.

38.   But the drugs can cause persistent nausea and diarrhea, and frightening long-term side effects have recently been emerging, including redistribution of body fat and possible heart complications.

39.   Caffeine helps to mobilize body fat and make it available as fuel for exercising muscles, allowing them to work longer before they fatigue.

40.   Cesta said he focused on conditioning this summer and has increased his speed and strength while decreasing his body fat.

n. + fat >>共 75
body 40.15%
bacon 6.31%
duck 6.31%
pork 4.55%
beef 4.29%
baby 4.04%
burn 4.04%
milk 3.54%
blood 2.02%
pig 2.02%
body + n. >>共 670
part 22.79%
temperature 4.45%
weight 4.07%
fat 3.70%
armor 2.47%
heat 1.79%
type 1.75%
guard 1.65%
tissue 1.49%
movement 1.47%
每页显示:    共 158