31.   He was a founder and past board president of the East Woods School in Oyster Bay.

32.   He was also the board president of Washington CeaseFire, a statewide gun-control group.

33.   He told the mayor that Gelbard operated with carte blanche from the board president, Carol Gresser.

34.   His report accused them of coercing teachers into political activity to help the board president, Sheldon Plotnick, in an unsuccessful bid for a City Council seat.

35.   I called the board president and he said the board probably would not look favorably on that situation.

36.   In addition, Charles W. Battey has replaced Phil Pistilli as board president.

37.   Investigators say Carmelo Saez, the long-time board president, runs the district as his private domain.

38.   It is time instead for the mayor, chancellor and new board president to start lobbying for those changes that are doable.

39.   Kathie Robnett, board president of Fuzzy Friends, made the rest.

40.   Joe Hammerman, Law School Forum board president, said King is among a diverse list of speakers scheduled this year.

n. + president >>共 526
team 7.11%
club 6.65%
company 6.08%
borough 5.60%
deputy 5.45%
university 4.85%
college 4.03%
federation 3.33%
bank 3.01%
board 2.55%
board + n. >>共 465
meeting 27.26%
chairman 8.35%
official 6.22%
seat 3.99%
president 3.79%
room 2.57%
approval 1.66%
system 1.39%
director 1.35%
investigator 1.25%
每页显示:    共 111