31.   Patterson said leaders would try to convince foreign politicians that they are not asking for Central American imports to be blocked from European markets.

32.   A World Trade Organization appeals panel ruled Monday that Japan is acting illegally by blocking imports of fruit on health grounds.

33.   A WTO appeals panel ruled Monday that Japan is acting illegally by blocking imports of fruit such as apples and cherries on health grounds.

34.   After the two sides split amid civil war five decades ago, Taiwan blocked the import of most Chinese products.

35.   Among issues to be covered are reducing tariffs on goods and services, cutting agricultural subsidies and setting anti-dumping measures to block subsidized imports.

36.   And neighboring Argentina, the closest and largest export market, is facing economic slump and effectively trying to block Brazilian imports.

37.   Britain threatened Tuesday to block imports of beef from the European Union by mid-summer, if the EU fails to tighten its meat processing and inspection standards.

38.   Britain warned Tuesday that it would block imports of beef from the European Union by mid-summer, if the EU fails to tighten its meat processing and inspection standards.

39.   But EU officials say the ruling gives them the chance to conduct a risk analysis and continue blocking the imports.

40.   But he said the proposal would block imports into the EU of products bearing protected names, so Turkish feta or American gorgonzola would be barred.

v. + import >>共 312
ban 22.34%
increase 4.12%
restrict 4.02%
reduce 3.97%
allow 3.63%
block 3.44%
limit 2.96%
suspend 2.86%
boost 2.28%
halt 2.13%
block + n. >>共 847
road 7.22%
shot 3.86%
access 3.34%
traffic 3.28%
effort 1.93%
street 1.70%
attempt 1.52%
highway 1.37%
entrance 1.28%
path 1.18%
import 0.50%
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