31.   The state Office of Emergency Services said at least nine deaths have been blamed on the series of storms and the toll may go higher.

32.   The suit blamed her death on a security officer who advised workers over the building intercom to move their cars because water was seeping into the garage.

33.   Then they would shoot him at a distance, and, Murashkin said, blame the death on a Chechen sniper.

34.   Two deaths were blamed on icy roads in Mississippi.

35.   Two deaths were blamed on the catheters, which are inserted in an artery, where a balloon tip is inflated to clear cardiac blockages.

36.   Two deaths are blamed on the fires, but the toll is expected to soar.

37.   Two deaths have been blamed on the catheters, but that has never been acknowledged by the company.

38.   Patient deaths are frequently blamed on the shortages.

39.   Palestinian doctors blamed the deaths of two infants and an adult this week on delays at army roadblocks.

40.   Rail officials initially believed the accident was caused by an explosion, but are now blaming the deaths on a collision.

v. + death >>共 503
cause 10.85%
report 9.85%
follow 5.99%
confirm 5.35%
investigate 4.68%
face 3.55%
blame 3.07%
announce 2.78%
mourn 2.60%
avenge 2.20%
blame + n. >>共 1810
attack 4.60%
government 2.54%
rebel 2.32%
problem 1.96%
death 1.96%
loss 1.52%
lack 1.45%
group 1.31%
delay 1.26%
decline 1.21%
每页显示:    共 190