31.   But if they are worried about making a good impression, that does not stop them from teasing Dees.

32.   But if there was ever a book to make you want to learn to carve, this is it.

33.   But novices better be careful making such comparisons, Baker warns.

34.   But its boldness, virtuosity, imagination and refusal to render itself innocuous are what make it worth seeing.

35.   But the bottom line is, the legend of Eddie Robinson is what makes this game what it is.

36.   But there are times made for special people, and you just knew that Paul Spoljaric was absolute meat for Mo Vaughn in this instance.

37.   But watching agents equipping themselves, driving, peering and making uncontested arrests is like being shot with a tranquilizer gun.

38.   Civility is the dominant characteristic of Chilean life . . . And civility is what makes almost certain the triumph of the very uncivil Allende.

39.   Clarke notes that while the company eliminates jobs in some areas, it continues to add them in others where there are more profits to be made.

40.   Clinton figures that if it was good foreign policy to make the world safe for democracy, it will be better foreign policy to simply make democracy.

v. + make >>共 1093
use 22.37%
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work 3.50%
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combine 1.78%
say 1.46%
will 1.11%
check 1.05%
fight 0.86%
be + v. >>共 1041
go 8.23%
say 4.28%
include 3.27%
follow 2.62%
compare 2.38%
be 1.98%
give 1.39%
have 1.16%
make 1.16%
do 0.75%
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