31.   Iraqi authorities for a second straight day Tuesday barred American inspectors from suspected weapons storage sites, prompting the United Nations to call off inspections.

32.   Iraq barred U.N. inspectors from visiting a site for the fifth day on Friday because the team had American members, Charles Duelfer, the deputy chief inspector said.

33.   Iraq defied a new U.N. resolution Thursday, barring inspectors from entering a military base in the capital to search for materials linked to banned weapons programs.

34.   Iraq has barred the inspectors from certain sites on grounds of national sovereignty.

35.   Iraq has been barring the inspectors from presidential palaces and other sites on grounds of national sovereignty.

36.   Iraq has from time to time barred inspectors from certain sites considered sensitive.

37.   Iraq has often barred inspectors from sites it considers sensitive, then backed down after warnings from the council.

38.   Iraq barred had earlier barred the inspectors from certain sites, including presidential palaces, on grounds of national sovereignty.

39.   Iraq cites national sovereignty and security in barring inspectors from palace grounds.

40.   Iraq has barred inspectors from the sites, saying they are symbols of national sovereignty.

v. + inspector >>共 235
allow 7.09%
bar 6.36%
block 5.36%
prevent 3.91%
weapon 3.82%
accuse 3.73%
accompany 3.64%
send 3.36%
have 2.45%
expel 2.18%
bar + n. >>共 1096
journalist 4.30%
reporter 3.69%
woman 2.41%
company 2.37%
discrimination 1.59%
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inspector 1.25%
access 1.18%
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