31.   The ER physician can have medications ready or be prepared for immediate treatment, such as balloon angioplasty, when the patient arrives.

32.   The drug treats patients who had chest pains due to coronary artery disease and are undergoing balloon angioplasty, a minimally invasive surgical procedure to clear blocked blood vessels.

33.   The other will attempt to determine if the best results come from using the device and balloon angioplasty in conjunction, and the best techniques for the treatment.

34.   The result of studies of laser surgery, another alternative to balloon angioplasty, will also be presented at the meeting.

35.   The tubular wire-mesh device is used in combination with balloon angioplasty to expand and hold open clogged blood vessels.

36.   The stent procedure is safer than balloon angioplasty in terms of immediate risk of heart attack, Goldberg said.

37.   There is debate among cardiologists about when to use balloon angioplasty as compared to bypass surgery as compared to medications.

38.   They have had a substantial impact on improving the outcomes of patients treated with balloon angioplasty.

39.   Three days later, he was in the hospital undergoing balloon angioplasty to open the clogged blood vessel.

40.   To prevent a heart artery from reclogging after balloon angioplasty, some patients have a metal coil, or stent, inserted to keep the blood vessel open.

n. + angioplasty >>共 8
balloon 90.00%
coarctation 1.43%
day 1.43%
fall 1.43%
laser 1.43%
procedure 1.43%
redo 1.43%
week 1.43%
balloon + n. >>共 189
angioplasty 11.45%
flight 8.73%
catheter 3.27%
pilot 3.27%
team 3.09%
payment 3.09%
ride 2.91%
drop 2.55%
race 2.36%
trip 2.36%
每页显示:    共 63