31.   At first, the Defense Ministry said they had committed mass suicide to avoid capture.

32.   As he seeks to avoid American capture, the elusive Osama bin Laden has numerous possibilities for hideouts in his training camps scattered throughout Afghanistan.

33.   But many more have avoided capture, often shielded by sympathetic neighbors.

34.   But many more, including leading militants and bomb-makers, have avoided capture, often shielded by sympathetic neighbors.

35.   Eight guerrillas were wounded and the military later recovered arms and ammunition and several cyanide capsules that the rebels wear around their necks and bite to avoid capture.

36.   Four other crew members of the boat who dove overboard to avoid capture were rescued and being held at Military Police headquarters on Matsu, Tsai said.

37.   He spent his days avoiding capture and hoping for a chance to return his family to the freedom they once knew.

38.   His thank-you speech gave no hint of how he avoided capture.

39.   He was also given a vial of cyanide to wear around his neck and told to bite into to avoid capture.

40.   Investigators traced him to France by tracking e-mails that Kopp allegedly exchanged with a New York couple now charged with helping him avoid capture.

v. + capture >>共 85
elude 17.37%
avoid 15.44%
evade 10.23%
follow 9.07%
escape 4.63%
announce 4.44%
claim 3.09%
confirm 2.70%
avenge 1.74%
prevent 1.74%
avoid + n. >>共 1364
problem 2.23%
confrontation 1.84%
conflict 1.24%
tax 1.18%
detection 1.11%
injury 0.98%
risk 0.91%
contact 0.90%
arrest 0.86%
trouble 0.84%
capture 0.48%
每页显示:    共 80