31.   Even with an attractive alternative, Democrats will not find it easy to dump their vice president.

32.   For more than a year, public opinion polls have consistently shown Powell as an attractive alternative to the pack of mostly veteran politicians currently seeking the presidency.

33.   Further economic expansion could bring a continued rise in pay and an attractive alternative for millions who have left the work force.

34.   German and central European equities represent attractive alternatives to the often volatile U.S. stock market, said Deutsche Morgan Grenfell fund manager Hanspeter Ackermann.

35.   High, who works in Santa Clara, Calif., said Texas rivals Oregon as an attractive alternative for high-tech workers who want to leave California.

36.   If approved, the merger could spawn significant reductions in communications costs, and offer companies an attractive alternative to the better-known local phone companies.

37.   If the arctic snap holds, museum visits and theater matinees are attractive alternatives.

38.   In short, equities will become an even more attractive alternative to bonds and other types of assets.

39.   In the meantime, the inflamed debate over gay marriage is making domestic-partnership protections look like an attractive lesser alternative.

40.   It gave women alternatives more attractive than teaching.

a. + alternative >>共 756
only 5.73%
viable 3.86%
attractive 2.88%
cheaper 2.76%
good 2.53%
better 2.19%
democratic 2.19%
possible 2.09%
best 1.68%
acceptable 1.55%
attractive + n. >>共 832
investment 5.50%
option 3.30%
woman 3.17%
alternative 2.94%
target 2.85%
relative 2.82%
price 2.30%
place 2.10%
candidate 1.59%
feature 1.36%
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