31.   Florida, land of retirement, has more bridge clubs than any other state.

32.   Federal officials insist that is the logical place to start since New York trains almost twice as many doctors as any other state.

33.   Fifty years later, Minor works in an environment that has more black elected officials than any other state.

34.   For Texas, or any other state, to have responded to such a tragic transformation with a death sentence would not have been about justice.

35.   Gujurat has been more prone to Hindu-Muslim violence than any other state.

36.   He also promised Pakistan would not transfer nuclear weapons technology to any other state.

37.   Hawaii, which has been legally committed to the goal of universal coverage for two decades, comes closer than any other state to achieving it.

38.   How much of the pot Arizona, or any other state, will get is yet to be determined.

39.   I believe Texas can compete with any other state.

40.   If not on probation for his rape conviction, Tyson would be free to go to another country to fight while under suspension in Nevada and any other state.

a. + state >>共 655
jewish 5.46%
palestinian 5.02%
southern 3.87%
arab 3.21%
independent 3.20%
home 2.70%
western 2.29%
islamic 2.19%
northern 2.15%
future 1.60%
any 0.42%
any + n. >>共 1281
country 4.08%
detail 3.29%
state 2.53%
way 2.49%
team 2.17%
kind 1.37%
plan 1.30%
move 1.30%
nation 1.16%
thing 1.14%
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