31.   BSE spread in Britain after farmers added ground up, infected animal carcasses to cattle feed.

32.   Hardest hit would be goods containing tallow, a product obtained by boiling animal carcasses, that is used to make drugs and cosmetics.

33.   He urged residents to burn all animal carcasses to prevent such contacts.

34.   Hogs pick up the worm from consuming raw garbage or infected animal carcasses, and hogs, being hogs, will eat just about anything.

35.   In Comacchio, where the Po empties into the Adriatic, animal carcasses, tree trunks, and other flood debris clogged the port, hindering navigation.

36.   In rendering, animal carcasses and byproducts are melted down in plants.

37.   Industry officials attribute the decline to measures that plants have taken to sanitize animal carcasses, meat and equipment.

38.   It also accused authorities of bungling culls and said there must be no more giant pyres of burning animal carcasses.

39.   It said countries should destroy animal carcasses and, as a last resort, provide emergency vaccination to animals.

40.   Knowles blamed rotting animal carcasses in a canal near the water plant for the contamination.

a. + carcass >>共 97
animal 25.97%
chicken 7.79%
rotting 6.93%
infected 3.03%
mangled 2.60%
diseased 1.73%
burning 1.73%
salmon 1.73%
whole 1.73%
entire 1.30%
animal + n. >>共 812
right 13.28%
feed 6.94%
welfare 3.10%
shelter 3.04%
study 2.73%
product 2.36%
lover 2.31%
control 1.88%
life 1.74%
cruelty 1.67%
carcass 1.04%
每页显示:    共 60