31.   A second online music service backed by major record labels plans to launch Wednesday, allowing users to listen to and store tracks from a broad catalogue of music.

32.   Along with the Internet explosion, intranets and extranets are allowing users to work and do business as they never have before.

33.   Chan added that these products basically allow users to perform fast decision making which is based on accurate data that highlights the important aspects.

34.   It allows the user to program specific strategies, from extremely defensive to utterly wild.

35.   Last month, he said he was exploring the idea of allowing users of the computer communications network to watch as he committed suicide.

36.   Not only does it save office space, it also allows the user to quickly find a particular document since the CD-R too provides random access capability.

37.   Strapped for a means of cordoning off the websites, are threatening to penalize cafe owners who allow computer users to look at pornography.

38.   The CD-RW, as its name implies, allows users to record data onto its disk.

39.   The new operating system allows multiple users to save files on one computer, but keep those files private from others using the same computer.

40.   The new memory devices will extend battery life by allowing users to save data even when power has been completely shut off, Sugiyama said.

v. + user >>共 400
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