31.   But the administration said the intercepts were so worrisome that they had little choice.

32.   But the administration said there would be too high a price to pay in international relations if we broke it.

33.   But the Bush administration says the Medicare program, taken as a whole, is actually running large deficits.

34.   But the Clinton administration has said that the president may veto the result.

35.   But the administration has never said that in public before.

36.   But the Bush administration said it was not an apology.

37.   But the Bush administration said the long-term financial outlook for Medicare was bleak because health costs were rising rapidly.

38.   But the administration said China had made little progress.

39.   But the administration said Croatia should seek to regain the land through negotiation, not fighting.

40.   But the Clinton administration said the first daughter is here for personal rather than political reasons.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
administration 0.22%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
want 2.24%
try 1.81%
make 1.59%
seek 1.59%
oppose 1.53%
consider 1.45%
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