31.   At last the Clinton administration has a serious scandal on its hands.

32.   At that time, the administration even had Cuban exiles willing to risk their standing in a fervently anti-communist community to serve as intermediaries between the two governments.

33.   At the same time, the administration has had little success with its ambitious plans to reduce spending by putting government services in the hands of outside contractors.

34.   Basically, Clinton vouched for Gore and Joseph Lieberman, saying they would work to continue the successes his administration has had.

35.   Berger bridles at the suggestion that the administration has no overall strategy.

36.   Beyond that, the administration has no strategy about moving toward the elimination of Saddam, just dreams.

37.   Beyond the use of empowerment zones, the administration has yet to adopt a comprehensive urban strategy.

38.   Bill Weld was himself an exemplar of this sort of honest, competent Republican, and his administration had more than its share of others.

39.   Border patrol agents are paid less than drug enforcement officials, but the administration has the authority to raise pay and has not done so.

40.   A Bush administration would have powerful allies on the issue in Congress.

n. + have >>共 1318
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administration 0.31%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
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