31.   Hsu said after his speech that the actions will include working to resume semi-official talks with China, which were suspended after Lee visited the United States last June.

32.   Limited action would include precision air and missile attacks against Taiwanese targets, the newspaper said.

33.   Limited action would include precision air and missile attacks on selected targets on Taiwan, the newspaper said.

34.   Other possible actions include using federal rules and the courts to mandate opportunities for minorities and asking the government to consider limits on network ownership of programming.

35.   Sources said the most severe actions included a letter of reprimand, a salary freeze and other restrictions.

36.   Such actions had included shootings, kidnappings and hunger strikes.

37.   Such actions have included shootings, kidnappings and hunger strikes.

38.   The actions did not include a reprimand of CIA Director George Tenet, who has also come under criticism, said CIA spokesman Bill Harlow.

39.   Such actions include disarmament of military formations that have been or are active in Kosovo, the provision said.

40.   The action included no formal charges but is considered a prelude to indictment, which could come next year after the U.N.-sponsored panel investigates the three men.

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